Onasasa Age Restrictions and Parental Consent Policy

Last Updated: August 01, 2024

1. Introduction

At Onasasa, we are committed to providing a safe and appropriate environment for all our users, with special consideration for our younger audience. This Age Restrictions and Parental Consent Policy outlines our practices regarding the use of our platform by minors and the measures we take to protect them.

2. Age Restrictions

2.1 Minimum Age Requirement

  • The minimum age to create an account on Onasasa is 13 years old.
  • Users between the ages of 13 and 18 (or the age of majority in their jurisdiction) are considered minors and are subject to additional protections and restrictions outlined in this policy.

2.2 Age Verification

  • During the registration process, users are required to provide their date of birth.
  • We employ age verification technologies to validate the age provided by users.
  • If we have reason to believe a user has misrepresented their age, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate the account until age verification can be completed.

3. Parental Consent

3.1 Requirement for Parental Consent

For users under the age of 16, we require verifiable parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information.

3.2 Parental Consent Process

  1. When a user under 16 attempts to register, we will collect the parent or guardian's email address.
  2. We will send an email to the parent or guardian explaining our privacy practices and requesting their consent.
  3. The parent or guardian must follow the link provided in the email and complete a consent form.
  4. We may require additional steps to verify the identity of the parent or guardian.

3.3 Scope of Parental Consent

Parental consent covers:

  • Collection and use of the minor's personal information
  • Public visibility of the minor's profile and posts
  • The minor's ability to make in-app purchases
  • Direct messaging features

3.4 Withdrawing Consent

  • Parents or guardians can withdraw their consent at any time by contacting our support team.
  • Upon withdrawal of consent, we will stop collecting new data from the minor and delete their account within 30 days.

4. Special Protections for Minors

4.1 Privacy Settings

  • Accounts of users under 18 are set to the highest privacy settings by default.
  • Location sharing is disabled for minor accounts.

4.2 Content Restrictions

  • Minors are prevented from accessing age-inappropriate content.
  • Advertising targeted at minors is limited and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

4.3 Interaction Limitations

  • Direct messaging between minors and adult users not on their friend list is restricted.
  • Minors cannot be tagged in posts by users who are not their friends.

4.4 In-App Purchases

In-app purchases for minor accounts are limited and require parental approval.

5. Educational Resources

  • We provide resources for parents and minors about online safety, privacy, and responsible social media use.
  • These resources are easily accessible through our platform and regularly updated.

6. Reporting and Support

  • We provide easy-to-use mechanisms for minors, parents, and other users to report concerns about underage users or inappropriate interactions with minors.
  • Our support team prioritizes and promptly addresses all reports involving minors.

7. Data Handling for Minors

7.1 Data Collection

We collect only the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide our services to minors.

7.2 Data Retention

  • Personal data of minors is retained only for as long as necessary to provide our services and comply with legal obligations.
  • Upon reaching the age of majority, users will be notified and given options regarding the retention of their historical data.

7.3 Data Deletion

  • Parents or guardians can request the deletion of their child's personal data at any time.
  • Upon such a request, we will delete the data within 30 days, unless retention is required by law.

8. Compliance with Laws

  • This policy is designed to comply with children's privacy protection laws, including but not limited to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union.
  • We regularly review and update our practices to ensure ongoing compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

9. Changes to This Policy

We may update this Age Restrictions and Parental Consent Policy from time to time. We will notify users of any significant changes through the platform or via email. Continued use of Onasasa after changes constitutes acceptance of the updated policy.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Age Restrictions and Parental Consent Policy, or to submit a parental consent form, please contact us at:

Email: support@onasasa.com

By using Onasasa, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this Age Restrictions and Parental Consent Policy.