Onasasa Content Moderation Policy

Last Updated: August 01, 2024

1. Introduction

At Onasasa, we are committed to fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all our users. This Content Moderation Policy outlines the types of content and behavior that are prohibited on our platform. By using Onasasa, you agree to comply with this policy.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all content posted on Onasasa, including but not limited to:

  • Text posts
  • Images and videos
  • Comments and replies
  • User profiles and bios
  • Live streams
  • Direct messages

3. Prohibited Content

The following types of content are strictly prohibited on Onasasa:

3.1 Illegal Activities

  • Content that promotes or facilitates illegal activities
  • Content that violates any applicable local, state, national, or international law

3.2 Violence and Extremism

  • Graphic violence or gore
  • Threats of violence against an individual or group
  • Promotion of terrorism or extremist ideologies
  • Content glorifying or encouraging self-harm or suicide

3.3 Hate Speech and Discrimination

Content that promotes hate or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or serious disease

3.4 Harassment and Bullying

  • Targeted harassment of individuals or groups
  • Cyberbullying in any form
  • Sharing of private information without consent (doxxing)

3.5 Sexual Content

  • Pornography or sexually explicit content
  • Non-consensual intimate imagery (revenge porn)
  • Sexual content involving minors

3.6 Spam and Misinformation

  • Spam or repetitive content
  • Deliberately false or misleading information
  • Conspiracy theories that may cause real-world harm

3.7 Intellectual Property Violations

Content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights

3.8 Impersonation

Accounts that impersonate individuals, organizations, or public figures

4. Content Moderation Process

4.1 Automated Moderation

We use automated systems to detect and flag potentially violating content for review

4.2 User Reporting

  • Users can report content they believe violates this policy
  • All user reports are reviewed by our moderation team

4.3 Human Review

  • Our team of trained moderators reviews flagged content and user reports
  • Moderators make decisions based on this policy and context

4.4 Actions Taken

Depending on the severity and frequency of violations, we may take the following actions:

  • Content removal
  • Warning to the user
  • Temporary account suspension
  • Permanent account termination

5. Appeals Process

If you believe your content was removed or your account was suspended in error:

  1. You can submit an appeal through our designated appeal form
  2. Our moderation team will review your appeal within 5 business days
  3. The decision after review is final

6. Live Stream Moderation

6.1 Real-time Monitoring

  • Live streams are monitored in real-time for policy violations
  • Streams may be terminated immediately if serious violations occur

6.2 User Controls

  • Stream hosts can appoint moderators to help manage their streams
  • Viewers can report violations during live streams

7. Child Safety

We have zero tolerance for content exploiting or endangering minors. Any such content will be immediately removed, the account terminated, and relevant authorities notified.

8. Transparency

We are committed to transparency in our moderation practices:

  • We publish a quarterly transparency report detailing moderation actions taken
  • We provide clear explanations to users when their content is removed or their account is suspended

9. Changes to This Policy

We may update this Content Moderation Policy from time to time. We will notify users of any significant changes through the platform or via email. Continued use of Onasasa after changes constitutes acceptance of the updated policy.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Content Moderation Policy, please contact us at:

Email: support@onasasa.com

By using Onasasa, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by this Content Moderation Policy.